I'm so sorry :(

Hey Reader,

When I created this newsletter, it was my intention to use it to deliver valuable content to you, Filipino tech professionals, career shifters, and aspirants.

I'm incredibly sorry for having failed in that regard. I underestimated the amount of work that's required to work my day job, build a social media presence, maintain podcast, and manage a fast-growing tech community, while at the same time preparing heavily for my planned application for Georgia Tech's MS CS program late next year. For my sanity, something had to give, and unfortunately, this newsletter is among the ones I had to sacrifice. It was doubly hurtful for me, since I'm actually paying good money for a mailing list service (ConvertKit). Ouch.

What I realized these past few weeks though is I should've consolidated the content I'm creating on Facebook. I have engaging posts there that should've been packaged as a blog post instead, which in turn should've been delivered as part of the newsletter. Like this one. And this one.

So I've decided to do just that. I have an old dusty blog which I'll revive and repurpose and, starting next year, I will use it as the delivery vehicle for the newsletter. (Already have plans of sharing my journey into a MS CS degree there!) The blog is hosted on Hashnode, a free blogging service specifically for tech people, so I won't be paying a dime to maintain the mailing list anymore. (sweet!)

There's one caveat though, since I'll be completely leaving ConvertKit for Hashnode, you'd need to sign up for the newsletter again, for that I also apologize. I wish I can migrate each of you over, but Hashnode doesn't allow that. Besides, I think it's better for you guys to opt-in, instead of me moving you all over without your consent.

The blog is live, and can already be accessed via https://blog.kuya.dev. You may then subscribe to the newsletter via https://blog.kuya.dev/newsletter.

I'll also repost some of my more valuable content on the blog in the coming weeks, since I don't want them to get lost in the chaos of Facebook.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you over at the new blog/newsletter. Enjoy the holidays!

Rooting for you,

Rem "Kuya Dev" Lampa

The Tech Roundup PH

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